Registration for Michael Mwenso Community Listening Experience 
Come together and re-center through the collective healing, love, and nutritional uplift embedded in Black roots music. Join Arizona Arts Live and The College of Social & Behavioral Sciences as we welcome jazz musician, creative producer, and racial justice advocate Michael Mwenso for an evening of performance art and community connection. 

This event is open to the public and will be held at the Dunbar Pavilion on Monday September 25th, 2023 5pm-7pm. Space is limited. 
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Total number of people you are RSVP'ing for including yourself. Limit 3 *
Transportation is available to students if needed. Please indicate your need below. 
If you are not a student you may skip this question. 
How did you hear about the event?  *
Do you have any accommodation needs we should know about? 
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