ironicsoap's 2024 Commission Slots

Things to keep in mind:
  • Submitting for a quote does not guarantee you a commission slot. My commissions are not first come first serve and are primarily based on how much I like your character design!
    (However if you are willing to pay more for higher priority in being chosen, let me know)

  • If accepted for a slot, there may be a long wait (months) in between acceptance and payment. I do NOT accept payment before I'm ready to work on your commission though!

  • If you've submitted to a previous form, you'll need to resubmit this time. All old responses are not being considered.

  • I am unlikely to re-open commissions again for 2024, I don't have a definite time this form will close, it is just until all of the slots have been filled. I typically open for commissions once a year around springtime!

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I have read the entire commission information document (prices/tos google doc) to the best of my ability
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