EAA Chapter 320 - Chili Cook Off Competitor Registration
If you plan to compete in the chili cook off with your favorite chili recipe, please take a moment to fill out the competitor information form below. Please register by February 18. Thank you!
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
What's your connection to EAA Chapter 320? *
Type of chili you plan to bring (white chili, traditional chili, venison chili, etc) - it's ok not to know, this question is just for fun!
Chili Cook Off Competitor Information
As a competitor, you are asked to:
  1. Bring at least one pot/crock pot worth of chili.
  2. Bring your own serving utensil (ladle).
  3. Bring your own warming mechanism, and any extension cords, if needed.
  4. Bring any fix-ins necessary for your specific chili (our chapter will provide classic fix-ins).
EAA Chapter 320 will provide the following:
  1. Chili identification cards (you will have a chance to name your chili, note spiciness and any allergens).
  2. All bowls, plates, silverware, napkins, etc.
  3. Classic chili fix-ins (onions, shredded cheese, sour cream, crackers, cornbread).
  4. Beverages and desserts.
Please arrive around 10:45am to set up your chili station. Sampling will begin at 11:00am. Voting ends at 12:30pm and winners will be announced at 1:00pm. If you are a chili competitor, please plan to stay for the entire duration of the cook-off.

If you change your mind later on and are unable to compete, please let us know at events.eaa320@gmail.com
Please confirm that you have read the competitor information listed above. *
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