Birthday Sign-Up

Happy Birthday to…YOU!

Fill out this form to register for our Birthday Club. You will get an email on the first day of your birth month with $20 to spend in Knitty Gritty. You have the whole month to use it, no strings attached. AND you get an invitation to You Day.

What is YOU Day, you ask? We invite Birthday Club members to come in on the third Saturday of your birth month and get 15% off of your entire purchase that day! Even better: you can use your FREE $20 that day too!

Bring one yarn-loving friend along with you that day, and they’ll get 15% off too!

Faça login no Google para salvar o que você já preencheu. Saiba mais
What is your first name? *
What is your last name? *
What is your email address? (We'll add you to our email list to make sure you get your FREE $20!) *
What is your phone number? *
What is your birth month? *
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