We require this audition form to be completed prior to your first audition. We use this form during the casting process. Please read the entire form and provide all information required.

High School Cast Only

Auditions are Dec 5th and 6th - Callbacks are Dec 7th and 8th (*Your callback schedule will be based on the role you are selected to read for)
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Email *
School *
Current Grade *
What role(s) are you interested in? *
Please list ALL CONFLICTS between Dec 11th and March 31st where you are unable to attend a scheduled rehearsal or performance. ONLY THOSE CONFLICTS LISTED WILL BE HONORED. ONLY LIST DATES AND TIMES FOR THAT DATE - NO EXPLANATIONS NEEDED. *
CALLBACKS REQUIREMENT:  Callbacks are Dec 7th and 8th (Your callback schedule will be based on the role you are selected to read for). You will be notified of a callback via email after auditions. You will be provided with callback details and specific times that you’ll need to be in attendance. You may receive music, and/or sides to sing/read at the callback. It is not necessary to memorize; however we do ask that you print off any materials sent to you and familiarize yourself with them as music will not be taught at callbacks. There will also be a required dance call for all those called back. *
REHEARSALS REQUIREMENT: Rehearsals may begin the first week of December. We will not rehearse over the holiday. Please include all days in your conflict list. Your rehearsal schedule days/times will depend on your role and will fluctuate. We will honor only those conflicts listed on this form. *Final performance dates/times will be released after the show is cast.  *
CAST MEMBER FEE: The fee per cast member is $250. This fee can be credited to your account with the sale of $250 in Playbill ads ($100 for Half Page / $150 for Full Page). This fee does not include costume pieces of a personal nature such as shoes, tights, undergarments, or makeup. This fee is due prior to the first rehearsal. *
PROGRAM AD REQUIREMENT: Each cast member is obligated to sell at least ONE 1/2 page ad in the show’s program book. These can be to businesses, family members, friends, etc. If the obligation is not met, cast members are responsible for the $100 fee. Ads are due by March 10th. All ads delivered must be digital files (jpg or png) and are half page size landscape (1/2 Pixel Ratio 2120 x 1548 - Full Page Pixel Ratio 2120 x 3096) Every additional AD sold above any quota will have 80% of the cost ad revenue credited to the students account. Full Page Ads are $150 / Half Page Ads are $100. (This AD SALE commitment is in addition to anything you sell for Cast Member Fee Reimbursement.) *
DANCE DYNAMICS REQUIREMENTS: Cast Members that accept a role are required to enroll or currently be enrolled in 2 hours weekly of any class/style at Dance Dynamics. (December - March) *
A show contract will be required to be executed prior to the first rehearsal.  *
I have read and understand the audition waiver located here: http://www.dancedynamicslv.com/waiver *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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