Baker Preserve Native Plant Walk
Thank you for your interest in the Baker Preserve Native Plant Walk on June 2nd, 1:30 - 5:30 p.m. with Alika Herreshoff. Space is limited, so please be sure to let us know how many people are in your party.  

Identify and explore the native flora on the preserve with native plant enthusiast and horticulturist Alika Herreshoff. This plant walk will serve as a primer to common native species, but will also include observations of the more unusual and specialized plants and wildflowers that grow in the preserve. Informal discussion may include: identifying characteristics, common and Latin names, plant families, and some ethnobotanical uses. Attendees are encouraged to enjoy the beauty of our native plant life through observation and photo-documentation. This is a fairly rigorous hike with 1,060 ft of elevation gain, so please dress accordingly and bring plenty of water! Snacks are also advised; we will stop at the outlook to eat, rest, and enjoy the view of Rosario Strait before returning.
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