Getting Started with Scratch Cooking Evaluation
Thank you for viewing the Getting Started with Scratch Cooking Class with Chef Sam and Chef Ryan! Please answer the following questions regarding the video in order to receive your certificate and professional development credits. If you have any questions about this form, please contact Thank you!
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Name (as you want it to appear on your certificate) *
School District *
Job Title *
Name of School Nutrition Director *
After the class, do you feel you have a better understanding of how to incorporate scratch cooking techniques into your meal program? *
What is one reason why incorporating scratch cooking techniques is important for your school meal program? *
What are challenges to scratch cooking? How might you address those challenges? *
What is something new you learned in this training that you plan to use in your cafeteria? *
What would you like to learn in any future trainings?
Any additional comments?
Thank you for your responses!
We are so glad you could join us today and hope to see you at future trainings! Happy cooking!
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