Gold Coast Concert Chorus Request for Financial Aid
Gold Coast Chorus believes that everyone should have access to choral music, so that cost is never a barrier to participation. So, if money is tight but you want to sing with us, please complete the financial aid below.
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Full name *
Street Address *
City, State, and Zip code *
Email address *
I am applying for financial aid for the following concert: *
I am applying for financial aid for *
Are you interested in a payment plan to reimburse the chorus?
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I understand this gift is made possible by the generosity of the members of GCCC, and I am
willing to give some time and energy to tasks necessary to accomplish its goals. I am interested in helping with
I agree to abide by the rules of GCCC and commit to performing in the concert for which I am applying. If I am unable to continue singing with GCCC I agree to return any items I have been given, such as music and any other items.
Upon completion of this application, the Gold Coast Chorus board president will review the application and discuss it with the applicant. Financial aid will be awarded as our budget allows. Applications will be reviewed by the president, treasurer and membership chairperson, and music may be loaned for rehearsal on a temporary basis until final determination has been made.
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