Chesed Volunteer Registration Form
Thanks for your interest in performing acts of chesed for Romemu members in need. One of our volunteer coordinators will reach out to you soon to connect and further explore your interests and how you can help. We will also keep the information you provide below on file so that we can contact you when opportunities to do chesed arise. 

If you have any questions, please contact our volunteer coordinators: Jamie Phillips ( or Elliot Figman (
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First and Last Name *
Email Address *
Address Including City and State *
Phone Number
Do you have any skills or talents you would like us to know about?
Are you interested in helping Romemu members who need assistance getting to and from Shabbat and/or High Holy Day services? If you are interested, please check Yes and go to the next question.
I'm interested in accompanying Romemu members 
I can accompany Romemu members
How often can you assist Romemu members who need help getting to and from services?
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