Register for lessons with Mah Music
Lessons in 2024 are in-person at St Hilda's Collegiate School and Liberton Christian School, and in-person or online after-school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
Full name of student *
Age of student (just the number) *
Instrument of choice *
Level *
Pricing (see Terms and Conditions for more information) *
In-person or online? *
Full name of parent/caregiver
If student is younger than 18 years old, or if someone else is paying for the lessons
Relation to student
Main email address *
For whomever is paying for the lessons - please include a name
Second email address
Student (if parent is main contact) - please include a name
Third email address
Alternative contact email - please include a name
Main phone number *
For whomever is paying for the lessons - please include a name
Second phone number
Student (if parent is main contact) - please include a name
Third phone number
Alternative contact phone - please include a name
Physical address *
Additional comments
Which days/times are most preferable? Any background information or questions?
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