The Business Case for AI Ethics: Empowering Workers to be Changemakers
How can we move from principles to action? Our Business Case for AI Ethics: Empowering Workers to be Changemakers is aiming to translate the significant work within academia to the language of business development.

This helpful report aims to arm tech workers with the information, stats, and arguments to make the business case for AI ethics and be ethical tech changemakers.

This will be released on Tuesday, December 9, 2020. We'd love your help. Send resources our way, join our team that is crafting the Business Case for AI Ethics, and help us with outreach!

By making the business case for AI ethics, we can empower ground level work around fairness, transparency, bias mitigation, etc.

Some gaps that we will be focused on include:

*How do we reconcile AI ethics work with the business imperative of generating revenue?
*Can we better align with academic metrics used in AI ethics with the metrics utilized in industry?
*How can we create better metrics to capture the impact of Fair ML?

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How would you like to be involved in this project?
What are some resources that we should be aware of?
What organizations come to mind that should be involved in this project?
Who are some leaders in the space that are doing a good job with operationalizing AI ethics?
In your opinion, how can we better translate academic work around AI ethics to make a business case for AI ethics?
Additional comments?
THANK YOU! We really appreciate you taking the time to fill out this form and proving helpful information. We'll be in touch as this project comes together!
If you are not yet part of our All Tech Is Human community, we hope that you get plugged in! We send two newsletters a month about all the happenings in the Responsible Tech movement.


Did you read our new Guide to Responsible Tech: How to Get Involved & Build a Better Tech Future? This free resource is released in partnership with NYU's Alliance for Public Interest Technology and can be found at

Stay in touch at & write us at

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