Squeezable's Commission Form
Hello there! Thanks for considering a commission and supporting my art! To request a commission, please fill out this form to get a quote.
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Email *
Your name *
How should I refer to you throughout our correspondence? It doesn't need to be your legal name.
Your social media username *
Enter the username or handle of the account you would like me to tag when posting the work to social media.
What Do You Get?
By hiring me for a commission, you will receive the following items over the course of the project:

-A rough sketch
-Cleaned line art

If you commission a cel-shaded or smooth shaded piece you will also receive:

-Flat color piece (this contains the base colors without any shadows)
-A maximum of 2 in-progress snapshots if desired.
-The completed piece and any additional variants in a high resolution PNG or format of your choosing.

My Content Policy
I am open to drawing most things, but I do have a few limitations.

What I Will Draw
-SFW and NSFW content is okay!
-Fan art
-Your OCs
What I Will Not Draw
These are not negotiable, so please do not ask for:

-Furry NSFW (SFW is fine though!)
-Real people
-Violent scenes(gore, rape, torture, child abuse)
-Pedophilia content of any kind
-Racist/Homophobic/Transphobic scenes
Commission Details
Commission Type *
Select what type of commission would you like. These are the base rates for a single character, fully colored, regardless of render style. "Half-Body" is from the knees up. "Full-Body" is from head to toe. Additional characters add 50% to the base price.
Background *
Select your desired background. Complex backgrounds can vary in cost depending on the desired level of detail. The base price is listed below. Additional references and a good description will help massively and is greatly appreciated!
Additional Variants
Select as many as you like. If you would like something not listed, select 'Other' and be sure to include it in your description.
Description *
Enter what you would like to see. You can be as descriptive as you like.
References *
If you have references, link them here. This can include images of the character, a particular setting, articles of clothing, poses, color schemes, or whatever you feel will help bring your vision to life. If your pose is especially complex or you have a really specific detail you would like drawn, a reference will be required.
Private Commission *
Would you like the finished artwork and any work in progress images to remain private? If you opt to keep your commission private, I will not post samples to any of my public galleries. Please be aware that there is a $20 charge for private works.
How it all works!
1. Submit this form.
2. I'll review the request, and contact you with a quote.
3. Upon agreement I will send you an invoice through Square.*
4. Upon payment, I will begin sketching, and send it to you for review.
5. I will then complete the piece and send you the full-res images.

Throughout the process I will send you updates (detailed in the 'What Do You Get?' section). These are the perfect times to request minor changes. Any major adjustments to the posing of the characters or the overall composition of the image must happen during the sketch phase.

* Unfortunately, I am currently unable to accept payments via PayPal. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

If you have any questions, contact me via email or Twitter.

Terms and Agreements
Please confirm the following *
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