GYGSC  75th Anniversary  SOS Meal - Curry 16th March  2024

Social gathering– 19.45 hrs 16th March - Tamarind Indian Restaurant, Blofield

Tamarind Blofield – Norwich & Norfolk's premier Indian restaurant

Greetings all, an opportunity to catch up with other members before the sailing starts !

We have a table booked for 19:45 hrs on the 16th March.

This year the restaurant will provide  a set meal with a wide range of dishes including meat, fish, vegetarian and vegan options, including a few things which are not normally on the menu.

The cost would be £35 a head for poppadom's, starters and main course with rice, various breads,  and side dishes.  That includes service charge but not drinks or desserts (not that anyone would have room for desserts).   

Giyash really enjoys cooking for  this type of event and tends to push the boat out!!

Happy to cater for any special dietary requirements

The restaurant has asked if people could attend no earlier than 19.30 as they have limited seating area before the table will be ready.

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