Nutrition Consult 
Maintaining a healthy body weight is one of the best ways to help pets live their longest lives and help reduce the risk of weight-related diseases and injuries. We offer nutritional consultations as a complimentary service for our patients. We help do the math and figure out how many calories your pet should be eating and help make adjustments to help them reach their weight and body condition goals. 
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Email *
Today's Date: *
Your first and Last Name:  *
Your Pet's Name: *
My pet is a:  *
My pet's age: *
My pet's breed (if known): 
My pet is spayed/neutered?  *
Does your pet have any health or medical conditions that you are aware of? If yes, please describe:
Is your pet on any prescribed medications OR over-the-counter medications/supplements? If yes, please describe the type and dose:
What brand and formula (i.e. Proplan Large Breed Salmon and Rice or Iams Indoor Cat Healthy Weight Dry) do you feed? 
Do you measure your pet's food? 
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If you measure, how do you measure it? 
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How much of their regular food do you give each day?
Please describe the type and amount of any treats, snacks, chews, table food, etc. that your pet might receive on a normal day:
Does your pet beg or steal food? 
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If you have other pets at home, are you able to feed them separately? 
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Is there more than one person in the house who may be feeding your pet? Do you communicate about who fed the pet that day?
For Dogs: Describe any exercise your pet gets including how many walks per day and how far or how long you walk: 
For Cats: Describe exercise your pet gets (i.e. playing with toys, going outdoors)
Is your pet experiencing any changes in their mobility? (i.e. reluctant to use stairs or jump on and off furniture)
Does your pet seem sore or limp after exercising?
Is there any other information about your pet that you would like us to know? Do you have any specific nutrition or exercise questions? 
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