2022 First Holy Communion Enrollment
November 13 at 1:00 pm for those with last names beginning with letters A-JK & PREP; 3:00 pm for those with last names beginning with letters L-Z
(Those in older grades may choose which Mass to celebrate First Holy Communion)
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"The Body of Christ"
Last Name of First Communicant: *
First Name of First Communicant (full name): *
Middle Name:
Is the Communicant
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Is the Communicant enrolled
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Birthdate of Communicant: *
Date of Baptism:
Name of Church of Baptism: *
City and State of Church of Baptism: *
First Communicant has participated in First Reconciliation Classes? *
Name of Child's Mother: *
Mother's Address: *
Mother's Email Address: *
Mother's Best Phone Number: *
Name of Child's Father: *
Father's Address:
Father's Email Address: *
Father's Best Phone Number: *
How many parents will be sitting with the child at the First Communion Mass? *
How many siblings/grandparents will be sitting in the family pew at the First Communion Mass?  **Please note that will try our best to seat your family group together** *
Optional:  Will your child be painting a keepsake plate - cost is $5? *
Which date would you prefer for Plate painting? (realizing we have a limit on each night) *
How many Grandparents may be joining your child for Grandparent's Day?  PREP on November 6 and School on November 10? *
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