Intrigued by the Lee Kuan Yew Global Business Plan Competition?
Asia's largest university startup challenge will be happening in 2023, so don't miss out on all the action! Tell us a little more about yourself and stay plugged in.

Please note that the LKYGBPC is only open to current students or recent alumni of less than 5 years. Current students is defined as any person who is enrolled in a full-time polytechnic, undergraduate, postgraduate, or PhD programme at a tertiary institute. There is no restriction on the number of members in a team or company.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Country of Residence *
City (eg. Tel Aviv) *
What interests you about the competition? *
Are you a current student or recently graduated (within the last 5 years)? *
If yes, which school are you from?
Are you currently a founding member of a start-up? *
If yes, could you share a short description of your startup? (Include URL if applicable)
Does your idea or start-up fall under one of these categories?
How did you know about the competition? *
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