AISD Chromebook for SAT on March 4, 2025
Only fill out this form if you need to borrow an AISD Chromebook for the SAT 
  • You will take the exam using the Bluebook app. Bluebook can run on a Windows laptop or tablet, a Mac laptop, an iPad, or an AISD Chromebook. If your personal device is one of the listed devices above, you can use your personal device.
  • If you have already been issued an AISD Chromebook, you do not need to fill this out. Plan to bring this device FULLY CHARGED the day of the exam.   
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Student's LAST Name *
Student's FIRST Name *
LASA ID Number (without the S) *
Thank you for your time!
Your proctor will have the loaner Chromebook ready for you the day of the exam. 
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