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Calendar for International Orff-Schulwerk events
If you would like your event to be published on the website of the IOSFS, please fill in this questionnaire. We will then add your event to our calendar. You can send us pdf and/or photo for your event to
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Learn more
When will your event take place? (Day(s) and Times)
Your answer
What is the title of your event?
Your answer
Short description of your event:
Your answer
Main Presenters:
Your answer
Website of your event (if available):
Your answer
How do people register for your event?
Your answer
What does the event cost?
Your answer
Where will the event take place?
Your answer
Does the event take place in person or online?
In Person
Both possible
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Who is the contact organisation and/or person?
Your answer
Email address of the contact organisation and/or person:
Your answer
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