Table Talk
Our upcoming event will focus on challenging the traditional notions of networking! This beginner-friendly & FUN workshop will give university students a chance to meet industry professionals from Fortune 500 companies. They’ll learn how to properly reach out to people LinkedIn, network, built long lasting connections and understand the importance of referrals.

💗 FREE Salad King Dinner + Red Bull Drinks
💗 Intro to networking 101 Tips & Tricks
💗 Kahoot challenge to win goodie bag (20 winners)
💗 Small-group rotational networking sessions to ask questions and connect with UX designers from Microsoft, Spotify, Deloitte, TD + More 

🗓 Date: Tuesday, March 19, 2023 from 7-9pm
🏬 Building: 
RHA (205 Richmond St W, Toronto, ON M5V 1V3). Please note that the event is at the building on Richmond St, not the main building.
📌Room: 320, 3rd Floor
👩🏻‍💻 Only open for *students @ OCADU, UOFT & TMU
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First Name and Last Name *
Email (OCADU email preferred)  *
Are you available to join this in-person workshop on Tuesday, Mar 19, from 7-9pm @ RHA 320? (Please arrive on time)

*UXSA will be reaching out 3 days prior to the workshop to double confirm on your attendance. Your seat is not secure until you double confirm! 
How would you rate your knowledge of UX/UI?  
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Select the options below. (Check if all applies) *
EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO JOIN :) Note that there will be filming and pictures taken at the event. Content from our workshops will be posted on our socials. Please follow our Instagram here: and/or join our Discord to stay updated with our latest events!
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