Day 1 Paragraph Labeling
Read each paragraph and choose the most appropriate label/s for each:
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Atonic seizures are epileptic drop attacks. Atonic seizures typically occur in children or adults with widespread brain injuries. People with atonic seizures suddenly become limp and may fall to the ground so football helmets are sometimes required to protect against serious injuries. A myoclonic seizure is a brief un-sustained jerk or series of jerks, less organized than the rhythmic jerks seen during a generalized tonic-clonic seizure. Other specialized seizure types are occasionally encountered. *
Tonic seizures involve stiffening of muscles as the primary seizure manifestation: arms or legs may extend forward or up into the air; consciousness may or may not be lost. By definition, the clonic (jerking) phase is absent. Classification can be difficult, because stiffening is a feature of many complex partial seizures. *
One seizure type may progress into another as the electrical activity spreads throughout the brain. A typical progression is from a simple partial seizure, to a complex partial seizure (when the patient becomes confused), to a secondarily generalized tonic-clonic seizure (when the electrical activity has spread throughout the entire brain). *
The brain has control mechanisms to keep seizures localized. Antiepileptic medications enhance the ability of the brain to limit the spread of a seizure. *
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