Yay! provide the 0.0001 ETH bridging fee for users who meet all of the following criteria:
• Deposited ASTR through the Yay! Dashboard
• Have not yet bridged to Soneium
• Are bridging back to Astar EVM
To apply for the bridging fee support, please fill out the form below with the required information.
Once your submission is verified, the bridging fee will be provided within approximately 72 hours.
Yay!では、以下の条件を全て満たすユーザーに対し、ブリッジ手数料(0.0001 ETH)をサポートします。
• Yay! ダッシュボードを通じて ASTR を預け入れた方
• Soneium へまだブリッジしていない方
• Astar EVM へブリッジバックする方