【Yay! Dashboard】Bridging Fee Support Application Form

Yay! provide the 0.0001 ETH bridging fee for users who meet all of the following criteria:

   •    Deposited ASTR through the Yay! Dashboard

   •    Have not yet bridged to Soneium

   •    Are bridging back to Astar EVM

To apply for the bridging fee support, please fill out the form below with the required information.

Once your submission is verified, the bridging fee will be provided within approximately 72 hours.


Yay!では、以下の条件を全て満たすユーザーに対し、ブリッジ手数料(0.0001 ETH)をサポートします。

   •    Yay! ダッシュボードを通じて ASTR を預け入れた方

   •    Soneium へまだブリッジしていない方

   •    Astar EVM へブリッジバックする方


Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Please enter your email address

Please enter your wallet address

Please enter the EVM wallet address that was connected to the Yay! Dashboard and used to deposit ASTR.

Example: 0xe31b6727210250661e4844aBf29092bFC97e6F7b

Yay! Dashboardに接続しASTRを預けたEVMのウォレットアドレスを記入ください。


Handling of Personal Information

nanameue, Inc. will use the personal information provided by customers (wallet address, Yay! account information) for the purpose of sending token and responding to customer inquiries.

We will not disclose or provide customers’ personal information to any third party other than our service contractors without the customer’s consent, except as required by law or regulations.

The collected personal information will be securely disposed of by our company after the request is completed.



Important Notes / 注意事項
Once verified, the bridging fee will be provided within approximately 72 hours.

Inaccurate or incomplete applications may not be eligible for support due to fraud prevention measures.

If the submitted information is incomplete or does not meet the eligibility criteria, we will not provide individual notifications. 

Refunds or other forms of compensation are not available for this support.

This support will be available until March 31 2025, 23:59 JST.
このサポートは2025年3月31日 23:59JST までの提供となります。

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