EOI Term 4 2023 Indoor Competition
The dates for the Term 4 Indoor competitions have been finalised and will be running for a total of 9 Rounds + 1 week of Finals from Saturday 7th October to Tuesday 19th December

There will be a period of no play from Saturday 4th November through to Tuesday 7th November over the Melbourne Cup weekend.

Competitions will be run at Parkville, Dandenong, and Vic Uni on Monday through to Sunday, with competitions on offer for Juniors through to Masters. 

Please complete this form if you are interested in playing! 

Completion of this form done not represent commitment to playing, only interest.

If you have any questions please get in contact with Lilly Dipnall at indoor_co-ordinator@hawthornhockeyclub.asn.au
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What comp are you interested in: *
If we don't have enough for a team/teams would you like to play in a team with players from other clubs? *
HHC need a little bit of help from everyone! Please tick one of the following options to help out: *
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