Summer Meetings
Welcome to the rest of CO UUs for Racial Justice's summer program!  If you attended our June 4-6 kickoff event, you'll know that this will consist of various conversations and community-building among various constituencies, across congregations.  If you were unable to attend the June 4-6 event, you missed a time of heartfelt connection, culture building, and fun.  But no worries - it's not too late to join in the conversation and connection!

We recognize that many people in our communities hold multiple roles therefore invite you attend as many meetings as you would like but only also that you attend at least one. Please use the following criteria.

1) Attend the meeting that matches your greatest desire for engagement in the life of your community.

2) Attend a meeting that best suits your availability. We would rather have you attend a meeting that isn't your best match than not attend at all.

Meetings will last approximately 2 hours.

In addition to the meetings below, UURJ and  RE professionals and volunteers are planning events to engage our youth and their parents.  If you are a youth or RE professional who is interested in planning these events, please go to and click 'ask to join group'.

Co UU's United for Racial Justice
E-mail *
Name *
Do you identify as BIPoC? *
Think of this broadly but authentically. This can mean biologically, ethnically, or culturally. Have you been transracially adopted?
Demographic *
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