CDH Learning - Re-collected Thoughts: "Commonplacing" Practices from Analogue to Digital
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Across two sessions, participants will be introduced to the ancient yet evolving practices of commonplace-book keeping and the ‘modernised’ digital tools and methods for extracting, indexing, sustaining and networking knowledge fragments from personal notes, anthologies and archives for idea generation. Commonplacing—manifest as the classical vade mecums (‘come with me’ book of phrases for rhetors), the early-modern scholar’s indexed bodies of learnings, the eighteenth-century domestic commonplace books of culinary and medicinal recipes and nineteenth-century collaborative records of readings—is as much a method for knowledge compilation as a way to structure collective (and ‘re-collected’) thoughts. The commonplace book’s modern afterlife may be traced in the Zettelkasten method and micro-blogging sites like Tumblr, which facilitate the systematic storage and dispersal of quotations and other media.

The interactive sessions will draw upon the theoretical underpinning of commonplacing as a productive ideation approach as well as new digital tools of translating atomised ‘commonplaces’ (and metadata) into network graphs and databases for visualising potentially hidden connections for research and pedagogy.

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Briefly describe the relevant project(s) you work on currently, or plan to start soon that this workshop may support?
(approx. 50-75 words)

Your response helps the trainer to see if the course is a good match for your needs.
How would you describe your skill level in this topic? *
How would you apply what you learn in this course to your study, research or work?
(approx. 50-75 words)

Your response helps the trainer to see how the course can be a good match for your needs.
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