Getting to Know You
Thanks for connecting! To get a better sense of your project, style, and community, please help us by answering the following questions:
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Email *
How would you describe your style?
Do you have a blog? If so, please provide a link.
Please provide a link to your media kit, if available.
How many people are on your blog distribution list/email database?
How many views per month does your blog get?
What social media accounts are you currently on? Please include handles and follower counts for each.
What room(s) are you looking to refresh? Please provide some details about the project.
What are you imagining for your new space?
Is this room part of a bigger project? (ie, Showhouse, One Room Challenge, embargoed media coverage, bloggers tour, etc)
What is your project timeline?
Are you interested in wallpaper? If yes, please visit to calculate the amount your project would require.
Are you interested in fabric by the yard?
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