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Shreem Brizee and/or Ganesh Mantras Recited
Please indicate the number of Shreem Brizee and/or Ganesh mantras you completed. For reporting purposes please add your counts as full malas - 108 mantras.
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* Indicates required question
Please choose the dates the mantras were recited
November 1st through November 15th 2024
November 16th through November 30th, 2024
December 1st through December 15th, 2024
December 16th through December 31st, 2024
January 1st through January 15th
January 16 through January 31st
February 1st through February 15th
February 16th through February 28th
March 1st through March 15th
March 16th through March 31st
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Please indicate the total number of Malas - Mantras recited
1 malas - 108 mantras
2 malas - 216 mantras
3 malas - 324 mantras
4 malas - 432 mantras
5 malas - 540 mantras
6 malas - 648 mantras
7 malas - 756 mantras
8 malas - 864 mantras
9 malas - 972 mantras
10 malas - 1080 mantras
11 malas - 1188 mantras
12 malas - 1296 mantras
13 malas - 1404 mantras
14 malas - 1512 mantras
15 malas - 1620 mantras
16 malas - 1728 mantras
17 malas - 1836 mantras
18 malas - 1944 mantras
19 malas - 2052 mantras
20 malas - 2160 mantras
21 malas - 2268 mantras
22 malas - 2376 mantras
23 malas - 2484 mantras
24 malas - 2592 mantras
25 malas - 2700 mantras
26 malas - 2808 mantras
27 malas - 2916 mantras
28 malas - 3024 mantras
29 malas - 3132 mantras
30 malas - 3240 mantras
31 malas - 3348 mantras
32 malas - 3456 mantras
33 malas - 3564 mantras
34 malas or more - write your answer in space below
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Name (optional)
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email address
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Thank you for being part of this mantra campaign. With your help the important information in Master's book will reach those who are open to receiving it.
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