Accommodation booking for Alchemy of Joy -retreat, September 5th to 8th, 2024
We are so delighted that you are joining our improv retreat! 

Accommodation will take place in Keuruu Ecovillage's guest rooms, which are hostel grade. There are shared dry toilets and showers by the corridor. For camping in own tent or caravan there is space outdoors close to the nature.

Accommodation prices are:
45 € / night in a single bedroom, 3 nights 135 €
25 € / night in a shared bedroom for 2-3 persons, 3 nights 75 €
10 € / night in own tent or caravan (this option doesn't include sheets and towels), 3 nights 30 €

Price for food, including 9 meals and 3 evening snacks
80 €

Prices include 10-14 % Value added tax.

Accommodation and meals will be paid in advance by bank transfer (the invoice will be sent by e-mail) or by credit card once you have arrived to the Ecovillage.

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Booking of accommodation *
Do you have a special diet or food allergies? We will serve vegetarian food with milk products and eggs *
If you have any questions about accommodation or traveling to the Ecovillage, please write them here and we will answer by e-mail.
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