Petition for plant-based coffee machines at UU and HU

It is commonly known that

● The dairy industry is a relevant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions

● The production of dairy consumes significantly more water and land than soy and oat milk.

● The majority of humans (especially non-European) is lactose intolerant.

 Plant-based meals and beverages are both halal and kosher. 

We as VSA Utrecht think that the values of sustainability and inclusivity, which the university publicly endorses, should also be reflected in the food and drink options. In terms of both environmental impact and accessibility, plant-based alternatives for cow's milk in the coffee machines would be more sustainable and allow more people to enjoy a cup of coffee or chocolate milk between classes. 

For these reasons, the Vegan Student Association pleads for the following proposals: 
● There should be at least one plant-based coffee machine in every building of Utrecht University and Hogeschool Utrecht.
At least 50% of the coffee machines at Utrecht University and Hogeschool Utrecht should be plant-based.

You can find more information and research here.

If you agree with these demands, please sign this petition before 31/03/2023!

Privacy Statement: Data will not be shared with third parties. Only the board of VSA Utrecht has access to it and data will only be used to hand the petition over to the Faculty Board (College van Bestuur) in order to demonstrate that only people associated with UU/HU signed the petition. No other party will have access to the data! Data will be deleted once the petition has been handed over to the faculty board.

For questions or feedback, please send a mail to
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