High Kicks CIC Impact and evaluation
Hello everyone,

We would be most grateful if you could answer the following questions to enable us to measure the impact our funded classes have had on your family.
It should only take a few minutes.
This will assist us in securing more funding in future.

To continue with this survey, you must consent to each of the "required" statements.  You do not need to consent to the "optional" statements if you do not want.
Thank you for taking part 

Diane and Julia
Email *
I understand the purpose of this questionnaire and how my responses will be used (Required)


I understand that my responses will be included as part of a larger report that will be shared with funders and other external stakeholders (Required)


I consent to my individual, written comments being shared with funders and other external stakeholders (Optional) 

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I agree to continue with the survey (Required)

PERSONAL - Ethnicity
Please enter your ethnic group 
PERSONAL - Adult age Groups
What is your age (age of parents / carers attending)
PERSONAL - Children's age Groups
What are the age(s) of the child(ren) attending?
Please tick all that apply.
Did you feel the program was easy enough for anyone to join in? *
Did you like the recipes that were included in the programme? *
Did we include enough recipes from different countries? *
Did you find the premises user friendly and accessible?
How did you find out about the classes? *
Did you find out about any other classes or groups in the area by attending our sessions? *
Did you feel like the High Kicks CIC staff running the class were friendly and approachable?  *
Did you feel supported by the High Kicks CIC staff if you needed help with anything?  *
Did being involved in this programme make you feel more connected to the local community? *
Did you think the recipes were healthy? *
Did you think the recipes were easy to make? *
Did you think the recipes were value for money? *
Were some of the recipes included in the programme new to you / your children? *
Have you tried new recipes at home as a result of the programme? *
Have you cooked any of the recipes at home or are you planning to? *
Were your child(ren) able to follow the simple instructions of the recipe ? *
Did you find the ingredients easy to access (ie were they familiar foods that you could buy from your local supermarket)? *
As a result of attending this programme, have you had more opportunities to have more time together as a family? *
Have you made new friends / acquaintances as a result of attending this programme?   *
What was your / your child's favourite recipe? *
What was your / your child's favourite activity? *
Did your child(ren) benefit from the activities that were provided while the food was cooking? *
How confident were you with cooking as a family BEFORE the sessions? *
How confident were you with cooking as a family AFTER the sessions? *
How often were family meals made using fresh ingredients per week BEFORE the sessions? *
How often did family meals consist of pre-prepared/takeaway food per week BEFORE the sessions? *
How often have family meals been made using fresh ingredients per week AFTER the sessions? *
How often have family meals consisted of pre-prepared/ takeaway food per week AFTER the sessions? *
Are you now more likely to prepare family meals using fresh ingredients, rather than relying on pre-prepared food?  *
Has your family gained confidence in planning and preparing meals at home? *
Has your family learned any new skills? *
How did you find the booking process? *
Is there anything else you would like to add?
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