Oro97 Commission pricing and details.
I will announce on my socials when I open comms.
If you wish to comm me please contact me via the e-mail oro97art@gmail.com, with your contact details, references ( of the characters in the comm and if needed of poses, the more the merrier) and commission info.
1. I will be in contact with you via telegram, twitter or discord (Your choice, preferably telegram), during the making of the piece, sending it finished to you via e-mail.
1.1. If you are a Patreon please disclose your tier.
2. Payment only via paypal, 24 hours after the comm is accepted and the invoice sent.
3. Price may vary with the complexity of the character.
4. I reserve the right to use the image in any way I see fit.
5. I don't draw: Bathroom stuff, vore, gore, feral, cub.
6. Refunds are subjected to a fee depeding on how far the piece has been worked on.
6.1. Since paypal has a fee for sending the money, the amount of this fee is always deducted from the refund, independent on the stage of the piece.
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Art process:
The process with consist into three phases:
  1. After being provided the respective references, the first phase will be the "Sketch" phase where changes can be made after showing the respective wip.
  2. The second phane will be the "Clean up" phase, here changes are harder to make, and depending on the required change it is possible a requirement of a fee.
  3. And the last phase where is showing the finalized product, changes here also can be suceptable to a fee.
The fees previously noted will be mentioned before doing any of the changes, having the commissioner the power to decide on making the change or not.
If it is a major mistake, even if the piece is finished, I will fix it.
It will be in my power to decide what is a major mistake.
Art style example:
Types of art:
Flat - $125
2 panel comic - $300 (Price includes up to two characters)
Sketch page$350 (Price includes 2 characters)

You can check examples of my art style and pieces in this places:

If there is a different type of commission you want, you can send it my way, and then we can specifics with pricing and etc...

Background - Every piece comes with a simple 1 colour background, anything more detailed can go from $30 and up depending on the complexity.
Alts - Price depends on the type of alt and its complexity.
Extra characters cost 50% more for each, examples: 
1- Flat sketch, two characters = $187,50 ($125 plus $62,50)
2 - Flat sketch, three characters = $281,25 ( $125 plus $62,50  = $187,50, then for the third character plus $93,75)
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