Trivia Newsletter LVII Submission Form
Note: Some folks like to share their guesses for all six questions, but in order to submit this form, only your initials (the first question) and a guess on Question #6 (the last question) are necessary.
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For purposes of the Question #6 Leaderboard, please write below a THREE-LETTER initialism you'd like me to use to track your entries. (You might choose your initials, but this is not necessary.) *
Question #1 - NAME the systemic narcotic analgesic, isolated in the early nineteenth century by Friedrich Sertürner, that is generally believed to be the first isolation of an active ingredient from a plant. It is a Schedule II drug in the United States (together with drugs such as codeine, cocaine and fentanyl), and as an injection is sold under brand names such as Duramorph.
Question #2 - Each of David Childs, Le Corbusier, Oscar Niemeyer, Kevin Roche, Denise Scott Brown, Robert Venturi, and Jørn Utzon is a notable name in WHAT specific profession?
Question #3 - For a brief time in the early 1950s, a certain “Automatic Computer and Logical Engine” used in a certain science-forward city in the eastern portion of Tennessee was the fastest computer in the world. WHAT six-letter acronym was this all-knowing machine known as?
Question #4 - Andrei Rublev is often regarded as the greatest medieval Russian painter of Orthodox Christian icons, and almost certainly his greatest icon, also known as The Hospitality of Abraham, is better known by WHAT title, as it depicts the silent communion of three angels at the center of the composition?
Question #5 - The following are the initials of the titles of all nine feature-length films directed by a specific director (who is himself sometimes known by an initialism): HE; BN; M; P-DL; TWBB; TM; IV; PT; LP. NAME the director of these films, the first of which came out in 1996 and the last of which came out in 2021.
NAME the (single) film that fills in both blanks in the following ordered list; the answer is related to the theme of this newsletter: Patch Adams, A Civil Action, Varsity Blues, She’s All That, Payback, Message in a Bottle, Payback, 8mm, Analyze This, Forces of Nature, [BLANK], Life, [BLANK], Entrapment, The Mummy. *
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