HAPPYMONDAY Social Content Creator (Full Time)
Our team is growing and we're looking for exceptional talent to join us! This application is for the role of a full time NYC based Content Creator.

You can find the job listing here:
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Email *
Full Name *
City and state of residence *
URL to your Instagram page *
URL to your TikTok page *
URL to your YouTube page *
Link to portfolio of work *
Share links to 3 videos that were all shot on the iPhone and edited rapidly. Please note how long it took for you to edit. *
Please share a bit about yourself and why you think you'd be a good fit for this role. *
Tell us about a production challenge you faced and how you solved it. *
What is one piece of content that inspires you and wish that you had created? *
What are 3 social content trends you predict will be popular in 2023? *
Anything else you'd like to share.
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