Submit your Proposal -  Dundee Changemakers Soup - Manyways
Do you have an idea that could benefit Dundee's community? SOUP is a great way to raise money (there will be a pot of £900 + donations), build community support and get connections to local resources that can help you carry out your project. There will be a soup and sandwich lunch as well on the day

When: Friday 21st June, 10am to 1pm, V&A

We are inviting any community project supporting individuals with disabilities to pitch an idea that would benefit your community, or pitch an idea that your clients have. The pitch is 5 minutes long, and the application is very simple (100 words). Ideas can be new groups, materials needed, a small gathering etc.

There will be 5 pitches on the day and the top 3 with the most votes on the day get £300 each. The pitch with the most votes also receives any additional donations received on the day. Apply by 10th of June. Presenters will be selected and notified by Friday 14th June. 

This is the 3rd soup in our series of 3 Dundee SOUPs, organised by the Dundee Changemakers Hub following Creative Dundee and The Circle's original format.

What do we expect in your proposal?
♦ Keep it short, quick and to the point
♦ Your idea should benefit individuals with disabilities, and ideally led by the community you are supporting
♦ If any of your clients have an idea they wish to pitch, we would love to support that!
♦ We won't use technology to present but you are welcome to bring props, pictures or anything that might help communicate your idea.
Email *
Name *
Contact number *
Name of project and short description (50 words max) *
How would you use the SOUP funding if your project were to win? (100 words max) *
How does your project, charity or cause benefit Dundee? (100 words max) *
Any questions?
It really is that simple. If you have any questions that aren’t answered in the information on this form, then do get in touch with Danielle: - once you hit submit you will receive a notice of confirmation of safe receipt.

If you would like a paper copy, please email Danielle.

Thank you!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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