Foden's Band - Virtual Winter Course 2020 - Application Form
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For those delegates that took part in our Armagh Summer School Course in August there are some elements of the day that has similar content. The master classes were very popular and had great feedback which is why we have decided to include them in the Winter course again.
First Name *
Last Name *
Age Range *
Gender *
Country *
What instrument do you play? *
If there is a specific question you would like to ask for the Question and Answer section, please type the question below. We will aim to answer as many as possible! *
What are you most looking forward to getting out of the day? This may be developing a specific area of your playing? A question about playing? etc *
Are you happy for us to take screenshots of the zoom masterclasses as evidence for Arts Council and to share on social media?
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The closing date for entries is Wednesday 16th December 2020 at 9pm. Following this deadline, all successful applicants will be sent an email confirming their place and an information pack containing materials for the day and zoom codes for the course.
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