Dynamo Travel Soccer 2024-2025 interest
Thanks for your interest in Dynamo Travel Soccer. If you will miss/missed tryouts in May and would like to join a team, please complete this form. We cannot guarantee a roster position, but may have open slots on some teams. All players will need to be assessed prior to team placement, often by joining a practice or pick up session. If you have more than one child interested, please complete the a separate form for each child. Thanks.
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Parent/Guardian first name
Parent/Guardian last name
Parent/Guardian email
Player's first name
Player's last name
Player's gender. PA West only designates teams as Girls or Boys. Please see the website for more info regarding gender and team assignment.
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Player's birth year
Grade in school the player will be entering in Fall 2024
We have the potential to form additional teams with waitlisted players, but it would require us to mix players from different birth years. Are you interested in your player being on a mixed age team
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We have the potential to form additional teams with waitlisted players, but it would require us to mix players from different genders. Are you interested in your player being on a mixed gender team? These teams are required to play in the boys divisions.
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In order to form additional teams, we will need to have coaches for these teams. Are you interested in coaching?
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Anything else?
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