FUUSB Space Use Request Form
Please complete and submit this form to schedule meeting space at FUUSB, for gatherings other than weddings and memorial services. **Please be sure to submit your request at least two weeks before your FUUSB meeting, or at least one month in advance for rental events.**

For information about requesting space for weddings, please visit uusociety.org/information/wedding-celebrations. For memorial services, please visit uusociety.org/information/memorial-services.  

For safety, the group leader completing this form is responsible for ensuring that participants abide by current FUUSB Space Use Policies (available at uusociety.org/information/space-use). **Please review these policies each time you schedule an event, as they are regularly updated.**

Please also be familiar with and follow Vermont COVID guidelines: healthvermont.gov/disease-control/covid-19/covid-19-symptoms-treatmentWe reserve the right to cancel reservations or reduce capacity limits based on the current COVID situation.

Any space rental or caretaker fees for non-FUUSB events will be assessed after your request is received. 

For questions, please contact Erin, Ceremony & Scheduling Coordinator, at erin@uusociety.org. She will contact you after your form is received. Thank you!

If you need to cancel your reservation, please email cancellations@uusociety.org.  
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Group Name *
Name of Meeting or Event
Date of Event (or Start Date if Recurring) *
End Date (if Recurring)
Please list any additional dates or note if weekly, etc.
Start Time of Event *
End Time of Event *
Arrival Time (When will you start using the space?) *
Departure Time *
Which space are you requesting? *
Description of Event *
Number of people expected *
Is your event open to the public? *
If meeting outdoors, are you requesting restroom access? (may not be available for all gatherings)
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If applicable, please list any specific set-up or equipment requests for your event.
Your Name *
Your Phone Number *
Your Email Address *
I have read and agree that my group will abide by current FUUSB Space Use Policies (available at uusociety.org/information/space-use). I will share these policies with my group and make sure participants follow all safety guidelines. **Please review these policies each time you schedule an event, as they are regularly updated.** *
Additional information or questions
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This form was created inside of First Unitarian Universalist Society of Burlington.

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