Plant Growth Facility Inquiry Form (New Clients)
Hello and thank you for your interest in partnering with the PGF for your R&D cultivation needs. 
This form with help us understand your project requirements, and we ask that you provide as much detail as practical. We will be in touch soon after receiving. 

Please contact us if you have any questions about this form or other matters: 
Kevin Reilly, PGF Director:  
Kerri Peer, Core Facilities Admin Assistant: 
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Company / Organization Name
My organization is best characterized as:  *
Contact Person Name (first and last)
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Requested Work/Project Discription *
What is the time frame for your project? *
Estimated start date & duration
Plant Type / Species *
Do you need Greenhouse and/or Growth Chamber Space? *
Estimated Amount of Space Needed *
Please specify the estimated number of pots and square footage
Are you open to a shared space, or do you require a reserved/dedicated space for your project?
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Will transgenic plants or non-plant organisms be used for this research? *
Are USDA/ APHIS or other regulatory permits required? *
Are there any special treatments or services needed outside of our standard care?

See PGF website for more detail on standard services.
Do you require full-service care? 
i.e. The PGF staff performs all onsite care and serviced required. 
For a complete list of extended services, visit our website:
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