Rent 2 Rent Cashflow Fast Track
Now that you have completed all of the course modules you are ready to take the Exam.

Please answer each of the questions below.

The pass rate is 80% and you will be shown your grade at the end of the Exam.

Good luck
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What property types fit the Multi-Let / HMO strategy? (tick all that apply) *
What platform would we use to check out our tenant profile for the Multi-Let / HMO strategy? (tick all that apply) *
What is the ratio of current demand vs current supply that we are ideally looking for in our basic tenant research for the Multi-Let / HMO strategy? (tick all that apply) *
What would we use Property Wizza for? (tick all that apply) *
How many unrelated tenants are you allowed to have in a property before a mandatory HMO licence is needed? (tick all that apply) *
What is Article 4 designed to do? (tick all that apply) *
What planning use classification would your HMO be if you had 7 or more unrelated tenants living in it and it was their primary residence? (tick all that apply) *
What use planning classification would you have for a property in an Article 4 area for up to 6 people. *
What Rent 2 Rent contract would you typically use if the owner / landlord had a mortgage on their property? (tick all that apply) *
What Rent 2 Rent contract would typically be most suitable if you are dealing with a Lettings Agent? (tick all that apply) *
What Rent 2 Rent contact is subject to Value Added Tax (VAT)? (tick all that apply) *
What permissions do we need from the landlord in order to operate their property on a Rent 2 Rent basis? (tick all that apply) *
What % of MOE (monthly operation expenses) do we normally put aside for HMO’s? (tick all that apply) *
What is the likely management fee that an agent will charge for managing a HMO? (tick all that apply)
As standard and through the majority of councils, do we have to put fire safety measures in place for an unlicensed multi-let property? *
What is the national average room size for a single occupant in a HMO where the property has a communal living area? *
What is the national average room size for a single occupant in a HMO where the property does not have a communal living area? *
What is the national average room size for double occupancy in a HMO? *
Is subletting illegal in the UK?
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Do we need a fire risk assessment carried out in a HMO? *
How often should a fire risk assessment be carried out in a HMO? (tick all that apply) *
How often should a gas certificate be carried out in a rented property? (tick all that apply) *
How often should an electrical certificate be carried out in a rented property? (tick all that apply) *
How often should PAT testing be carried out for landlord / rent 2 renter provided electrical items in a HMO? (tick all that apply) *
What is the minimum EPC rating needed in order to let out a property in the UK? (tick all that apply) *
What agreement would I have between me (the rent to renter) and the tenants in a HMO? (tick all that apply) *
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