「第一回 東北大学難民映画祭」参加お申し込み用フォーム/1st Tohoku University Refugee Film Festival Application Form
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開催にあたり/A word from the Executive Committee

Thank you for applying for the 1st Tohoku University Refugee Film Festival. We have organized this film festival to bring awareness of refugee issues among people of all ages through film viewing. Participation fee is free and the viewing will be held online (on Zoom). Details on how to access it will be announced later. Please feel free to apply for our film festival.

12:30~13:00   Zoom開場/Opening access to Zoom
13:00~14:40   『ミッドナイト・トラベラー』鑑賞/Viewing "Midnight Traveler" with Japanese and English subtitles
14:40~14:50   休憩/Intermission
14:50~       パネルディスカッション/Panel Discussion in Japanese
~17:00頃    終了予定/End scheduled time (※ 途中入退室可)/come-and-go-as-you please
ミッドナイト・トラベラー 概要 / Midnight Traveler
【公開】2019年 【監督】ハッサン・ファジリ/Hassan Fazili


What is it like to be a refugee, driven from your homeland? --The film, made from footage shot by the evacuating families themselves on their smartphones, confronts the viewer with that reality. The Fazili family, consisting of a filmmaker husband, wife, and two daughters, incurs the wrath of the Taliban and travels to safety through Tajikistan, Turkey, and Bulgaria. This is a documentary that records the family's life-threatening journey.

〈共催〉東北大学難民映画祭実行委員会 東北大学国際文化研究科
〈後援〉国連UNHCR協会​ 仙台ロータリークラブ​ JICA​

参加方法/ How to apply

Please fill out the form below to complete the application.
We will delete your personal information within one week after the film festival to prevent it from being lost.

※zoomのURLは後日mailにてお送りいたします。/The URL of the Zoom will be sent to you by e-mail later.
※zoomのURLは第三者に教えないようにお願いします。/The URL should not be given to a third party.
※入場が制限される場合があります。(先着80名)/Limited to the first 80 people.
以上のことに同意いただけますか?/Do you agree to the above conditions? *
お名前をフルネームで教えてください。/Your full name *
ご所属(学校、一般等)をお願いします。/Your affiliation
メールアドレスに間違いはありませんか?/Is your email address correct? *
なにか質問がありましたらこちらにお願いします。/If you have any questions, feel free to fill in here.
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