Kansas Roller Derby Brave Space
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Cheer our skaters on as they fight for their pot of gold during the 2nd Annual St. Patty's SMASH UP. Teams made up of skaters from all over the Midwest compete in back-to-back games at the roller derby fundraiser. Tickets are $5 at the door with snacks and drinks available for purchase. VIP seating will be provided to Brave Trails campers and members of local QSA/GSAs

WHO'S INVITED: This event is open to any LGBT+ youth, Brave Trails alumni, staff, plus family and friends! 

DATE AND TIME: March 9th, 2024 from 10:30am-3:00pm (Ticket sales begin at 10:30am, bout 1 begins at 11:00am, bout 2 begins at 12pm) 

WHAT TO BRING: Some money for ticket entry ($5) plus any money for snacks or drinks you want to purchase

LOCATION: Kansas City, Kansas (an exact location will be sent out after registration)

QUESTIONS?: Email Sophia at sophia@bravetrails.org
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