Alive in the Spirit Feedback
Please take a few minutes to give us your feedback. This will be really encouraging to others planning to use the seminars. Your answers will be anonymous unless you choose to give us your name at the end.
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How were you involved in the seminars? *
Overall, what did you find to be most helpful? *
(This is just a general overview. We will ask you specifically about different parts of the seminar below)
Overall, what did you find most difficult or could have been done differently? *
(This is just a general overview. We will ask you specifically about different parts of the seminar below)
Overall, what did you think about the resources? (Planning advice, videos, hand outs)
Thinking about THE TALKS, what did you find to be most helpful? *
Thinking about THE TALKS, what did you find most difficult or could have been done differently? *
Thinking about THE TESTIMONIES, what did you find to be most helpful? *
Thinking about THE TESTIMONIES, what did you find most difficult or could have been done differently? *
Thinking about THE PRAISE AND WORSHIP, what did you find to be most helpful? *
Thinking about THE PRAISE AND WORSHIP, what did you find most difficult or could have been done differently? *
Thinking about THE SMALL GROUPS, what did you find to be most helpful? *
Thinking about THE SMALL GROUPS, what did you find most difficult or could have been done differently? *
What happened as a result of you PRAYING FOR BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT? *
As a result of the seminars, how would you describe any change in your relationship with Jesus? *
What further steps are you going to take as a result of the seminars? *
(Tick all that apply)
Please tell us the town where the seminars took place
You may give us your name and email (optional)
Can you please give us a quote?
We invite you, if you wish, to give a short quote that we might use on the webpage, in the enews, in other reports or for promotion for the seminars. This can be anonymous, or see next question.
Name and town (optional)
If we may add your first name and home town to the quote, please give it here; eg John - Manchester.  Otherwise leave blank.  
Thank you very much for your participation in the seminar and your help with this survey. God bless you.
If you would like to pass on any other comments or ask any questions please email
If you would like to find out more about ADoRE (Alton Day of Renewal go to
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