Do you sing with raspy, growling, harsh voice?
This survey by Mauro Fiuza (Brazil) and Filipa Lã (Portugal) aims at understanding performance practices of singers of different musical genres who may use distorted vocal effects*, such as growl, grunt, raspy, grit, scream, etc..

* Vocal Distortions are the rough, raspy, hoarse, ripped characteristics that are used by singers like Louis Armstrong, Chester Bennington, Axl Rose, Freddie Mercury, Angela Gossow, Beyonce, Rod Stewart, Demetrio Stratos and others.

Examples of distortions are: growl, scream, raspy, rattle, creaky, false chords, fry scream, grit, and many other terms.
Not considered as vocal distortions: falsetto, yodel, vibrato, riffs and runs, nasality, twang and any other "clean voice" sounds.

It is extremely important that you understand what vocal distortions are. If you happen to have doubts, please contact the researcher Mauro Fiuza ( before answering to this questionnaire.

The outcomes of this study will be published in an international periodic and will provide useful information to the singing voice community.

Your answers are anonymous and will not be shared or provided to third parties. All information will be used for research purposes only and treated with great respect.
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