This module asks questions about the Mental Health & Wellbeing Module on the WestKing Student Induction Hub -

The pass mark is 80% so please make sure you have read all the pages on the Mental Wellbeing tab on the website.

Remember, YOU CAN ONLY HAVE ONE GO AT THIS so make sure you have read the MENTAL HEALTH & WELLBEING pages on the website carefully.

Thank you.
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I have read and understood the MENTAL WELLNESS webpages. *
First Name *
Last Name *
Student Number *
Course *
Level *
Year of Course *
1. Good mental health helps you with your studies *
1 point
2. We know when our mental health will get worse *
1 point
3. Stress can affect your sleep but not your diet *
1 point
4. It is easy to balance studying with exercise activities *
1 point
5. Getting organised is a good way of dealing with stress *
1 point
6. The college offers up to 12 counselling sessions *
1 point
7. Listening sessions are the same as counselling sessions *
1 point
8. Resources to support good mental health can be found on MyDay *
1 point
9. There are 3 members of the WestKing Mental Health and Wellbeing Team *
1 point
10. The MAIN phone numbers of the WestKing Mental Health & Wellbeing Team are 0207 832 5278 & 0207 963 4172 *
1 point
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