Writing /// INTUITIVE Class
Writing // INTUITIVE is a 5 week writing class that will take place over ZOOM on Thursday nights from 6/22-7/20 from 7-9pm CST.  *please read all before registering or emailing with questions*

Writing AS Intuition 
Writing WITH Intuition 
Writing ALONGSIDE Intuition 
Writing INTO Intuition
Writing /// Intuitive. 

INTUITION as a form of deep knowing and embodiment. Writing as a way to access, to pray, to listen, to meditate, to spell cast, to call in, to call out, to bring forth, to be in relationship with and towards and alongside, a practice of listening to ourselves, a practice of finding ourselves, of deepening our relationship to self. 

Using movement and meditation alongside text, we will explore writing practices that help strengthen the intuition we already possess. Each class will be spent with guided writing time, reflection, group discussion, movement, and meditation. 

ANYONE*. EVERYONE. People who consider themselves writers; those who don't. People who consider themselves artists and non-artists alike. All occupations and interests and backgrounds.
This class is for those who are wanting to deepen their relationship to trust, self, their body, and deepen (or even begin) their writing practice. We will be looking at mainly poetry and essays, as that is my primary discipline, but all writing modalities and non-writing are accepted. This is for people wanting to deepen their writing practice both for their own growth as well as to share their writing practice with those around them. 

The class will be taught in English, but all languages and writing styles welcomed.

*you must be 18 to register for this class. If you are under this age, please email me! I love working with young people and would love to get something going with you and some of your pals. :) 

  • a deeper connection to your intuition and creativity 
  • work around embodiment with tools that can be continued beyond the class 
  • a zine and homework packets to return to 
  • connection to other writers and intuitive creatives 
  • yourself: practices on listening to yourself and a connection to self

HOW TO REGISTER: (registration will close the Tuesday before class, on 7/20 at 11:59 pm CST) 
2. Submit a payment to Venmo (preferred) to @MadisonMaeParker or PayPal (MadisonMaeParker@gmail.com) with the word "SPARKLE" in the about section of the payment. 
3. If needing a payment plan, please email me at MadisonMaeParker@gmail.com.
4. To hold your spot, send $50..
5. Your spot is not secured until I receive payment (whether in full or deposit). I will email you a confirmation of payment received with 36 hours during the weekdays. 
6. If you were a member of my Patreon in 2022, email me to discuss a discount. 


The class is on a sliding scale of $150-$300
The actual cost of the course is $200. Each class is 2 hours long, over the course of 5 weeks. The breakdown is $40 per class, $20 per hour at the $200 cost. 

If you are able to pay at cost, I ask you pay at cost. If you are someone who has access to more resources, I ask you to pay more/pay it forward to those who would benefit from this course and cannot afford it.  

Payment plans are also available upon emailed request. If you are in need of further financial assistance, please email me at MadisonMaeParker@gmail.com.

 If you are interested in donating to this class so I can offer more spots for free/sliding scale, feel free to send money to my above venmo/paypal. All donations will go to offering more classes for free. 


The class will cap at 12 people on ZOOM. Once classes are filled, I will open a waiting list. Your spot is not secured until I receive payment. I will email you a confirmation of payment received with 36 hours during the weekdays. 

Classes will be 2 hours long with a 10-15 minute break at the halfway point. The class will include writing, meditation, movement prompts that are fluid and adaptable for various bodies, with the chance to read your work out loud and share space with 11 other writers.  While I am facilitating, we will co-create the space together with intimacy and care and play. 

My name is Madison Mae Parker. Most call me Madi. I am an artist, poet, space-maker, and educator. I have been teaching/facilitating workshops (primarily writing) for a decade to all ages and demographics. I am currently in graduate school to get my MFA in Performance from School of the Art Institute of Chicago (1st year) while simultaneously studying expressive arts therapy from the Tamalpa Institute (2nd year). Expressive arts therapy is a somatic approach to understanding our internal world and what messages the body has to share with us through visual art, writing, and movement. While my class is NOT a therapy space, I do strive to use these tools to help foster a safe, imaginative, and generative space. I am a cat owner, a cartoon lover, an anime nerd, and a huge introvert. I am white, able-bodied, neurodivergent, queer witch who believes poetry and writing create portals for new beginnings and deeper knowings of ourselves and the world around us. 
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NAME (first and last) *
Birthday (month, date, year) *
*I understand sharing pronouns can be hard/confusing/fluid. You can leave NA if not wanting to give pronouns. I will use they/them for anyone who chooses to not give pronouns here. 

*For class communication 
mailing address (house number, street, city, state, zip)

*this is for mailing an end of the class zine/workbook* you can put NA if uninterested/not wanting to give out your address. Your address will only be used for these mailing purposes and not given out. If you live outside the US, still include your address, but we may need to discuss shipping options. 
venmo or PayPal 

*venmo preferred, but PayPal works too. This is to confirm your payment matches with your registration. 
Color that represents safety or calm for you?

No wrong answer! This answer can also change on the day. :) 
What is your current relationship to writing? *
What is your current relationship to intuition *
What is your current relationship to your body/movement/embodiment? *
Anything else you would like to share with me?
I understand that this class is not a replacement for therapy or any other behavioral help services. Should I become activated by anything in this class, I will reach out to my local community and health practitioner or other helpful spaces.  *
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