HKATTS Membership 2024
香港舞台技術及設計人員協會 HKATTS 會員申請 Membership Application Form
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香港舞台技術及設計人員協會 HKATTS
香港舞台技術及設計人員協會 (HKATTS) 於 1989 年成立,是一個非牟利專業團體。成員多為專業劇場工作者,義務負責籌辦有關香港舞台技術及設計行業的活動。協會旨在推動及提昇業內人士的專業水平,並向社會大眾推廣舞台技術及設計。協會致力促進業內人士的交流和擔當香港舞台工作者與國際劇場溝通的橋樑。

由 1993 年起,香港舞台技術及設計人員協會正式成為「國際舞台設計師、技術人員及劇院建築師協會」(OISTAT) 的香港地區代表成員。如欲查詢更多資料,可到本會網頁

The Hong Kong Association of Theatre Technicians & Scenographers (HKATTS) was founded in 1989 by a group of enthusiastic theatre practitioners. It is a professional organization, registered as a non-profit making company, whose aim is to promote professionalism and education among those within the theatre industry and in so doing raise the standard of theatre scenography, technology and education in Hong Kong. The organization serves as the communicative link between theatre professionals in Hong Kong and fosters cultural exchange with those in the International Theatre community. For more information, please visit
會員類別 Membership Categories
專業會員 Professional Member
• 不少於 2 年的專業演藝團體、劇場及相關組織從事技術、設計及舞台科藝教育全職工作,或
• 為專業演藝團體聘請從事不少於 3 齣演出設計的設計師,或
• 長期受聘從事演出工作的自由身工作者,或
• 連續成為本會不少於 3 年的聯繫會員,並於技術、設計及教育等範疇擁有相關經驗或專業知識。



會費 : 免費  

# 閣下個人資料將存放於 HKATTS 會員目錄內。

Resident of Hong Kong; and
- Shall have full-time employment in a technical or design or educational capacity with a professional performing company, theatre or related organization for not less than two years;  OR
- In the case of a designer, shall have at least three professional engagements as a designer with professional performing companies; OR
- Shall be recognized freelancers who work consistently in live performances; OR
- Shall have been an Associate Member of the Association for at least three consecutive years with substantial experience or expertise in scenography and theatre technical arts.

Any individual who is a Professional Member or who meets the requirements of becoming a Professional Member of the Association and has long-term interest in supporting the development of scenography and theatre technical arts in Hong Kong may apply to become a Life Professional Member of the Association.

Professional Members and Life Professional Members shall be eligible to vote at any general meeting of the Association and to nominate or to be nominated for any offices of the Association.

Membership fee : Free

* The individual information will be included in the HKATTS Membership Directory.
聯繫會員 Associate Member


* 不享有投票或參選成為董事會成員的權利,惟可參加本會活動。
* 閣下個人資料將存放於 HKATTS 會員目錄內。

Resident of Hong Kong; and
Any individual who is interested in the technical or design aspects of the art of the theatre or interested in furthering their knowledge in theatre scenography and theatre technical arts shall be qualified to be an Associate Member of the Association.

Membership Fee : Free

* No voting rights or the rights to be elected to any offices of the Association, but has a right to attend Activities of the Association.
* The individual information will be included in the HKATTS Membership Directory.
學生會員 Student Member


* 不享有投票或參選成為董事會成員的權利,惟可參加本會活動。
* 閣下個人資料將存放於 HKATTS 會員目錄內。

Resident of Hong Kong; and
Any individual who is a full-time student currently enrolled in an educational institution interested in furthering their knowledge in theatre scenography and theatre technical arts shall be qualified to be a Student Member of the Association.

Membership Fee: Free

* No voting rights or the rights to be elected to any offices of the Association, but has a right to attend Activities of the Association.
* The individual information will be included in the HKATTS Membership Directory.
機構會員 Corporate Member


* 不享有投票或參選成為董事會成員的權利,惟可參加本會活動。
* 閣下個人資料將存放於 HKATTS 會員目錄內。

Any business, corporation, firm or non-profit organization interested in supporting the Association to promote work in the fields of theatre scenography and theatre technical arts shall be qualified to be an Organizational or Contributing Member of the Association.

Membership Fee : Free

* No voting rights or the rights to be elected to any offices of the Association, but has a right to attend Activities of the Association.
* The business, corporation, firm or non-profit organization information will be included in the HKATTS Membership Directory.
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