Welcome - Nature Connection Camp UK 2024 -  Guild: Nature Culture
This is the booking form for the Nature Connection Camp in Bedfordshire on 4th-10th August 2024 for the guild Nature Culture. Please fill out the form as fully as you can, so we can make your experience the best it can be.
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Name you would like to be called by *
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Date of Birth *
Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2
Address Town *
Postcode *
Country *
Telephone numbers (landline and/or mobile) *
Emergency contact name *
Emergency contact  number *
Special dietary needs (see website for details of catering provided). Please indicate if something is a severe allergy.
Other needs, ie, mobility, learning difficulties, allergies, injuries etc
Are you planning to stay in a camper van on site?
Clear selection
Are you attending as part of a family group? If so please name the other members of your group and the programmes they are on.
If you are between15-18 years old, please state who your guardian is on the camp. 
Please state your second guild choice (Deep Nature Connection, Fire, Interspecies Communication, Soulwork, Basketry)
Your Investment
Early Bird tickets extended till 31.05.2024 for your chance to experience the village this August!

Your place is held when your deposit is received, and fully confirmed when the full payment is received.
The full payment is due by June 21st. Bookings after this date need to be paid in full when booking.

Please note that prices include all meals and camping. 
If camping is a problem for you then check out the venue page for other options.

Cancellation Policy - If it is necessary for us to cancel the course for any reason, your deposit and any other payments will be refunded in full. Your place on the course is fully confirmed once full payment has been received. 
If for any reason you are unable to attend then we can at our discretion refund your payments whether you opted for instalments or paid in full. 
We will keep a £25 admin fee to process this refund, and can only refund only if we can fill your space on the programme. If we cannot fill your space then we will not be able to refund you. So if you are unable to attend then please do let us know as soon as possible.

For GBP transfers.
Account holder: Nature Culture Network Cic Sort code: 23-14-70 Account number: 93472307 IBAN: GB11 TRWI 2314 7093 4723 07 Wise's address: 56 Shoreditch High Street London E1 6JJ United Kingdom

For EUR transfers.
Account holder: Nature Culture Network Cic BIC: TRWIBEB1XXX IBAN: BE62 9679 3370 2461 Wise's address: Rue du Trône 100, 3rd floor Brussels 1050 Belgium

Please put your last name and 'Culture' as the reference if possible. Or email (connectioncamp.bookings@gmail.com) with details of when you sent it and the name of the transfer.

How much are you paying in total? *
How are you paying? *
More about you to help us shape the week
The more we know about you the more we can tailor the week to suit everyone present.
What are your intentions for this experience? What do you hope to get out of it? *
What other events or courses of a related nature have you attended, when and who with (e.g. nature connection, bushcraft, community building etc.)?
What other related knowledge/experience/skills do you have?
How did you hear about the Connection Camp? *
I consent to being given first aid on site, if needed *
I consent to NCC Camp holding my data and contacting me about NCC Camp 2024 by email *
Would you like Nature Culture Network to inform you of future events, news etc by email?  You may unsubscribe at any time using the link on the emails received *
For more information or if you are stuck
Please see the FAQs on the website and if still stuck email  connectioncamp.bookings@gmail.com

By submitting to this booking form you are agreeing to our participant agreement which you can read on this website.

Thank you for your time.
In gratitude,
Kevin and the Connection Camp team
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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