OBE Interest Check
Hey, welcome to another MechWild interest check form. This time, it's for a budget Alice-like kit.

You may be wondering, what does OBE stand for? Orange Boy Ergo

Now you are no longer wondering.
Google에 로그인하여 진행상황을 저장하세요. 자세히 알아보기
이메일 *
Username *
Platform *
Will you be buying an OBE? *
Currently, we are planning to offer only black and white kits. Are there any other colors you'd like to see available?
What about the OBE interests you?
Is there anything you would change about the current design?
What other Alice or ergo keyboards, if any, do you currently own?
What other types/sizes/layouts of boards would you like to see from us next?
답장 사본을 내가 제공한 주소로 전송합니다.
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이 콘텐츠는 Google이 만들거나 승인하지 않았습니다. 악용사례 신고 - 서비스 약관 - 개인정보처리방침