Burwinkel Farms Reference Form

You have been asked to serve as a reference for a prospective employee at Burwinkel Farms. To assist us in processing their application, we kindly request that you complete this brief, confidential survey regarding the applicant's skills as observed during your time together. Please answer the following questions honestly, as all responses will be kept strictly confidential. If you are unable to provide feedback for a particular question based on your experiences, please feel free to skip it rather than selecting a rating on the 1-5 scale.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated

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Your name *
First and last name
Your email *
Your phone number *
May we contact you with further questions? *
Applicants name *
What is your relationship with the applicant? *
How long have you known the applicant? *
How well do you feel you know the applicant? *
I barely know them
I know them very well
How would you rate the applicant's quality of work?
Poor quality
High quality
Clear selection
How would you rate the motivation of the applicant to get tasks done on time and meet deadlines?
Not motivated
Very motivated
Clear selection
How would you rate the applicant on their ability to follow specific instructions?
Struggles to follow specific instructions
Easily follows specific instructions
Clear selection
How would you rate the applicant's initiative to problem solve?
Clear selection
How dependable is the applicant?
Not dependable
Highly dependable
Clear selection
How would you rate the ability of applicant to work as part of a team?
Prefers independent work
Great team player
Clear selection
How would you rate this person's leadership skills?
Prefers to allow others to take the lead
Great at leading the way
Clear selection
How trustworthy is the applicant?
Not trustworthy
Highly trustworthy
Clear selection
How would you rate the communication skills of the applicant (i.e. in a retail setting, greeting or small talk with customers, able to have conversations with strangers and/or co-workers)
Poor communicator
Great communicator
Clear selection
How would you rate the applicant's ability to multitask?
Unable to multitask
Master of multitasking
Clear selection
How respectful is the applicant to those around them?
Not very respectful
Very respectful
Clear selection
What is your overall recommendation of the applicant for a position at Burwinkel Farms? *
I do not recommend the applicant
I highly recommend the applicant
Burwinkel Farms is a seasonal business in which we have a limited time to hire, train, and employ new hires.  We need workers who are committed, motivated, and quick on their feet. What specific info/examples/reasons do you have that would help us determine whether or not this applicant would be successful in this position/atmosphere?
Additional comments...is there any other important information we should know about the applicant before hiring them?
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