Residency: Part 2 Booking Form 2024
Residency Part 2: Tuesday  9th – Friday 12th July

Thank you for your interest in Lost Dog's Residency: Part 2. Upon completion of this form we will confirm your place and request the £50 booking fee. Please note your place on the Residency will not be confirmed until we have received this. Places will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis, unless you are applying for the Residency Bursary.

We are pleased to offer a bursary space on our Residency for an artist from a low socio-economic background. The deadline for bursary applications is Monday May 6th. We will let bursary applicants know by Wednesday May 8th.

If you have any queries, please contact

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Email *
Your Name *
Phone Number *
What are your pronouns? *
Please provide a short bio *
Why do you wish to take part, how will this workshop benefit your practice? *
Please indicate what year (and whether Spring/Summer/Autumn) you took part in a Lost Dog Residency.
Do you have any access needs? *
Which package would you like to book? *
If your chosen package is sold out, would you be interested/able to book an alternative package? If you are, please let us know here.
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