The Dominant Doṣha Quiz
Learn more about your unique bio-energetic constitution by taking this quiz. The quiz will take about 10-15 minutes to complete. You will be asked to compile your answers at the midpoint and end.
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The Dominant Doṣha Quiz, Part 1: Prakṛti
Your prakriti was set at conception and determined, in part, by your genetics. Please answer the following questions based on your lifelong tendencies not on any current or recent conditions. 
Which statement best describes your body frame over your lifetime? *
Which statement best describes your skin? *
Which statement best describes your hair? *
Which statement best describes you? *
Which statement best describes your relationship to exercise? *
Which statement best describes you when you're exercising? *
Which statement best describes your sleep in general? *
Which statement best describes your eyes? *
Which statement best describes your bones and joints?
Clear selection
Which statement best describes you?
Clear selection
Which statement best describes your speech?
Clear selection
Which statement best describes your relationship to stress?
Clear selection
Which statement best describes you?
Clear selection
Which statement best describes you?
Clear selection
Which statement best describes your memory throughout your lifetime?
Clear selection
Which statement best describes you?
Clear selection
Which statement best describes your bowel habits?
Clear selection
Which statement best describes your appetite?
Clear selection
Which statement best describes you?
Clear selection
Which statement best describes you?
Clear selection
Review Part 1: Prakṛti

Count which position you have the most answers in:
I have the most answers *
I have the next greatest amount of answers *
The Dominant Dosha Quiz, Part 2: Vikṛti
Your vikriti is your current state of health. Please answer these questions based on how you feel now and, generally, how you've felt in the past 3-6 months. 
Lately, I've noticed that my skin *
Recently, *
In the last 6 months, *
Lately, I've noticed that *
Recently, *
In the last 3-6 months, *
Recently, *
Lately, I've noticed that *
In the previous 3-6 months, *
Lately, I feel *
In the past few weeks or months, I've noticed that *
Recently, I *
Lately, I've noticed that I have been feeling *
In the past few weeks or months, *
Recently, I've been having *
Lately, I've noticed that my bowel movements have been *
Recently, my bowel movements have been *
I've noticed that lately I've been *
Please answer the following if you menstruate or used to menstruate. 

If this is not you, please skip the next 5 questions and go to the end of the quiz.
If you are currently using hormonal birth control, please answer the following questions while reflecting on what your cycle was like before using birth control.
During or around my menses, I experience 
Clear selection
I've noticed that
Clear selection
I feel
Clear selection
I have been
Clear selection
I've noticed that
Clear selection

Review Part 2: Vikṛti 

Count which position you have the most answers in:
I have the most answers *
I have the next greatest amount of answers *
My dominant doṣha is *
My secondary doṣha is *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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